Winnebago System Fishing Report 04/27/18
The full run has been on for some time now and with the [mostly] great weather we have been having, it means the boat traffic is really...

Weekend Ready Fishing Report - Winnebago System (08/11/17)
I know it hurts some of you to hear this, but I think this summer is just cruising on through. As you all know, I'm a huge ice head and...

Winnebago System Fishing Report 07-14-17
Another fun weekend is upon us! It’s looking to be a beautiful weekend in the forecast and I’m sure a lot of you can’t wait to hit the...

Winnebago System Fishing Report 05-12-17
A beautiful weekend is upon us! Not just due to the weather but in part due to the fishing action! I have been out a handful of times...

Winnebago System Fishing Report - 04/27/17
As we come into another weekend, some of us are pretty excited to hit the water and relax… and hopefully catch some fish! We have...

Ice to Open Water Tactics - Winnebago System
Should I hit the ice? How about drop the boat? Maybe cast shorelines? These are just some of the questions that are running through my...

Spring Run Tactics for the Winnebago System!
This year has sure had its ups and downs so far but overall it has been yet another great season to chalk up in the record books! As the...